About Us

Become part of the Movement

We are set out to bring the people of this earth “the church” closer to the Lord and His way of life, both digital and in real life. Our goal is met by taking advantage of this technological world, and using this network to unite His people. His love will spread throughout all the nations.


We are a Social Media Online Church Network

  • Social - a place to talk about life
  • Media - a place to share photos, videos, and literature
  • Online - access through multiple platforms; mobile, desktop, tablet
  • Church - we the people are the church
  • Network - uniting the followers of christ

What makes us different then other networks, our core focus is Jesus Christ and His way of Life, we are set out to bring his Love into all of the communities and nations. 


The future of Jcmovement:

  • Followers of Christ United
  • Churches United
  • Local and National groups
  • Local Individual Support
  • Local Church Support 
  • Local Growth
  • Face to Face Interventions
  • Local Events and Gatherings
  • Prayer Events that changes the Nation
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Growth in Knowledge about the Bible
  • An Understanding about the Life of Jesus and the Bible

  • connect with other followers
  • share the influence Jesus has had in your life
  • share thoughts on biblical topic
  • share testimonial and praise report
  • share photos and videos
  • share local events and gatherings
  • share life changing events
  • gain knowledge through the bible, sermons, and teachings
  • join together in prayer
  • join together against un-godly events
  • join in fellowship through small groups and local churches
  • listen and watch worship videos

The Jcmovement Community

  • It is a place to express your Love for the Lord.
  • It is a place to ask questions about the Lord.
  • It is a place to start your journey with the Lord.
  • It is a place to gain knowledge and grow your understanding about the Lord.
  • It is a place to feel at home, and the comfort of the Lord.
  • It is a place for broken people that are looking for change through hope, peace, love, and joy.
  • It is a place to grow with your walk in the Lord.
  • It is a place to grow your daily life and live a lifestyle as Jesus did when he walked this earth.
  • It is a place to get connected with other followers of Christ, both in the digital world and the real life world.

Here at Jcmovement our belief is based off the Bible and the teaching of Jesus Christ. Love one another. We are followers of Christ, we are His church. His Anointing. Jesus came to died for our sins, and rose again to sit at the right hand of God. He left us his, Holy Spirit to influence our daily lives. We are made to bring Glory to the Lord. Thank You Jesus.


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Jcmovement shared a photo. 2 months ago

The Journey

The Journey

Thank you lord, for the direction you put forth in front of us.