The Movement

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"In the beginning was the Word," the background or visual sections show the moment of creation.  And Jesus as the Word, the living document, the testimony of mankind as the Second Adam.  Show how God became man, and how He is the Revealer of God in the Trinity.  He is the image of the invisible God, and His substance.

The "Word" speaks of the principle of the universe, the creative energy that generated the universe.

"And the Word was with God," Jesus has a face to face relationship with the Father, they have equal status, and active communication with one another.  Jesus is the Word, revealed God.  Background or visual sections show face to face (Jesus and the Father) sitting across from one another.

"The Word was God," reveals the qualities of God, but still distinct from the Father, as the Word who became man.  Background or visual sections refer to Jesus the Word as:  the bread of life, the light of the world, the door for the sheep, the good shepherd, the resurrection and the life, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the true vine, the I AM--His claim and evidence of His deity.  The representation of His deity by His 7 signs are:  Water to wine, Healing a man's son, Healing a lame man, Multiplying bread and fish, Walking on water, Healing a blind man.  He possess power over nature.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit with Evidence of Speaking in Tongues

Baptism of the Holy Spirit was initiated at pentecost, and is the promise of the father, given by jesus after his ascension, to empower the church which is us, to preach the gospel throughout the whole earth. The primary purpose of speaking in tongues is to bring edification to the believer by enhancing his prayer life, this is the language of the Lord. With the speaking of tongue the devil does not understand the words you are saying to the Lord.

This gift takes a desire to want to be closer to the Lord, this will bring you close to his power and will help guide you through this world. Fellowship with our Father is a big part of our lives, as well as our obedience to his commands, for this is how we show our Love towards him. May the fire spread in your life. 

Verses to reference Baptism of the Holy Spirit: (Acts 2:1-4, 17, 38-39, 8:14-17, 10:38, 44-47, 11:15-17, 19:1-6; Mark 16:17; Joel 2:28-29; Matthew 3:11).

Thank you for joining Jcmovement! We appreciate your fellowship, and hope this helps you grow with one another in Christ. Our objective is to unite people as a community, for the body of Christ, while spreading the knowledge and truth. Our desire is to bring people the truth wherever they are at in terms of location, home, work, or travel. This also includes dealing with spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical issues. 

We are a team of followers in the Lord, here to express Love to the world, and walk in Obedience. Our desire is to live as the early followers did, by helping one another and waking in the Power and Authority of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to unite the people of the world, by becoming a strong body of Christ, for we are called to contend as one unit.

Jcmovement has created a network, where people can find others they relate to, and gain knowledge of the truth. Our desire is to be a efficient resource for those in need, and are able to find answers with this movement. We have created an online source, that brings all the things of “the church” to your finger tips.

We are creating an efficient church community where people can be connected 24/7 & have fellowship through our network. Also building a relationship with the Lord through our resources of local churches, teachings, local life groups, real life, real talk and worship.

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